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Close Up of Corn Field

Our Story


J & A Koebel Farm is a third-generation farming family focused on raising quality products for your family to enjoy. 


The farm was founded in 1941 by my grandparents and I feel lucky that my earliest memories took place here, in the very same place, I now am watching my kids and their kids make their own memories.  Or maybe, more accurately, create their own mischief just as I did as a child with the acres to roam.  

Alongside my wife, Anne, we operate a beef, dairy, and grain farm in Three Oaks, Michigan.  You can find us around the farm every day caring for the cows, fixing equipment, or tending to our never-ending to-do list.  Much of the product we raise you will find as an input to products sitting on grocery store shelves.  If you are looking to buy direct from our farm, it's our beef that we have been raising and selling to consumers for the past forty years.   

Many things have changed over the years, but the constants on our farm have always been our focus on providing a safe, nutritious product to the consumer, the health and welfare of our livestock, and the sustainability of our practices on the environment. 

When we are not talking farming, we are enjoying time with our two daughters, our awesome son-in-laws and possibly the greatest joys in our life, our four grandsons.  We are fortunate to have a family passionate about Agriculture in their own career paths and they are continually pushing us to try new things in our own business.

Please follow us on Facebook to see a glimpse of this life we are blessed to call ours.  And thank you for buying from your local farmer.  





~Jerry Jr. & Anne

Through The Generations

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George & Elizabeth

First Generation

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Jerry Sr. & Nancy

Second Generation


Jerry Sr. and Nancy still own and operate the farm.  It is because of their hard work and love of farming that we are able to raise livestock today.  

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Jerry Jr. & Anne

Third Generation


16361 S. Avery Road

Three Oaks, MI  49128

Tel: (269)231-0094

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© 2022 by J & A Koebel Farms LLC

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